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Social Housing

Development Advisory Service

Housing estate

Social housing is a critical component of Ireland’s housing market, providing affordable accommodation to individuals and families who cannot secure housing through their own resources. It is delivered primarily by Local Authorities and Approved Housing Bodies (AHBs), both of which play key roles in managing and expanding social housing stock.

Providers of Social Housing:

  1. Local Authorities:

    • The main providers of social housing support in Ireland, managing a significant proportion of the country’s social housing stock.

  2. Approved Housing Bodies (AHBs):

    • Independent, not-for-profit organisations funded through a combination of private finance and state funding via local authorities.

    • AHBs operate across various scales, providing housing solutions tailored to community needs.

How Beacon Capital can help?

Beacon Capital actively supports social housing initiatives, leveraging established relationships with key stakeholders and extensive experience in the sector.

What we do?

We provide clear guidance on working with Local Authorities and Approved Housing Bodies (AHBs), covering turnkey developments, sales, and leasing arrangements. Our team evaluates project viability using advanced financial techniques and arranges funding packages to meet your needs. We also analyse the market to identify opportunities that add genuine value to your project.

Note: There are approx. 550 AHBs in Ireland managing over 35,000 homes. 254 AHBs are regulated, however these organisations manage 90% of social housing units within the sector which designates AHBs by ‘Tier’, depending on their size;

Tier 1 comprises 159 AHBs with 0-50 units i.e. voluntary operations, represents 10% stock

Tier 2 comprises 78 AHBs with 50-300 units i.e. mid size, represents 20% stock

​Tier 3 comprises 17 AHBs with more than 300 units i.e. manage 70% stock

Step by Step Guide

Beacon Capital take a proactive approach and hands on experience offering a step by step guide;

1. Introduction & property overview.

2. Feasibility analysis on zoned land or land with planning.

3. Strategy review to assess social housing exit options.

4. Manage the process with the preferred AHB/Local Authority.

5. Completion/Execution of Sale or Lease strategy.

Who can avail of this service?

The service offering is available to all existing Beacon Capital clients and it complements our existing expertise. Our clients include;



We assess their funding requirements and we can provide off market development opportunities to developers on our approved database.


Investors & Land Owners

We analysis the asset for development potential and create the highest and best use value to the land owner.



We work closely with Architects to deliver the most efficient scheme and offer advice to add value to your clients.



We value the legal relationships and we assist in the due diligence of complex property negotiations.



We consult with local and national estate agents by sharing referral fees and provide a feasibility analysis of the asset.

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